Short-term part-time job: inventory of office equipment
Druh pozice
150 - 160 Kč
Práce z domu
Práce pouze na pracovišti
před 5 dny
Kontaktní osoba
Team Assistant
Referenční číslo
Popis pozice
Are you looking for a short-term part-time job? Are you available for the first two weeks in October for 8 hours a day? Are you reliable, detail oriented and can you speak English? Then send us your resume!
We are looking for a temporary support who would help with the inventory of office equipment: identify asset (desk, chairs, IT equipment etc.) item numbers, their locations/employee assignment, and upload the details to a database.
The main duties will be:
- Acquaintance with the floor plan of the office
- Getting to know the individual property units (property groups)
- Getting to know the naming standard (convention)
- Getting to know the scanning device and software solution
- Labeling of all property items according to individual groups with a self-adhesive label (QR/BAR code)
- Daily reporting, presentation and control of registered property items
- Correction of the errors
- Consolidation of all collected items into the final report
- Everyday communication with and reporting to Office Manager and Real Estate Manager
Location: Praha 8
Salary: CZK 150 - 160
Period: fist 2 weeks in October
- good PC skills
- flexibility
- fluency in English
- detail oriented
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